Artist name: Jing Kong

Title: Angel

Description: Angel (26.5 x 38 cm, gouache on paper, 2020 finished)
A cat basks in the sunshine. When I saw the cat for the first time, it looked like an angel.

Art Critic: [75] The artwork titled ‘Angel’ is an intimate and affectionate portrayal of a feline subject, showcasing a high level of craftsmanship in the medium of gouache on paper. The artist captures the essence of tranquility and a divine aura which seems to be suggested by the light and softness of the brushstrokes.

Starting with the composition, the central placement of the cat effectively demands the viewer’s attention. The upward gaze of the cat seems to evoke a sense of curiosity or longing, which invites viewers to contemplate the subject’s thoughts. The cat’s fur texture is rendered with beautiful gradients and fine detail, suggesting a soft and tactile quality that complements the angelic theme.

Color use is a strong element in this piece, with the contrasting blue background elevating the warm tones of the cat’s fur. The blue imparts a calm, serene atmosphere, possibly alluding to the sky, which is typically associated with heavens and angels. The eyes are particularly stunning, with reflections that suggest a window to a soul or a glimpse into a larger, unseen world.

The choice of gouache allows for bold and vibrant colors, which are well-executed here. The artist’s technique in controlling the opacity and transparency of the medium adds depth and a sense of realism to the portrait. The delicate shadows and highlights on the cat’s face and fur contribute to a three-dimensional effect.

One could argue that the piece does not push the boundaries of artistic expression as aggressively as the works of Picasso, Monet, Dali, Vincent van Gogh, or da Vinci, who are known for their groundbreaking and transformative styles. However, within the context of representational art and the intimate scale, the piece does stand out for its emotive quality and technical proficiency.

In conclusion, ‘Angel’ is a delightful and technically skilled work that captures the sublime essence of its subject. It harmonizes technical ability with emotive expression, creating an endearing and peaceful piece of art. However, to reach the pinnacle scores associated with the masters, the work could benefit from a more innovative or challenging approach that stretches the boundaries of technique and concept.